Fighting games may not be the most popular genre anymore, but the people who still love the genre are some of the most dedicated gamers out there. Unfortunately, fighting games haven't been as widespread on Android as many hoped, and there aren't many amazing options out there. There is some hope that the genre will get better over time.
A battle arena-style game, when it has a lot of good combat elements, is especially popular. Players build their armor from parts they unlock as they play. Players fight other players.
Applications with several different game modes. The big advantage is the ability to create and customize your character, but the combat elements are fun too if you don't mind the style of arena combat.
The on-screen controls are highly customizable and there are several different game modes.
There are a large number of options with tons of games for each platform. Most of them also have controller support, saving and loading states, support for cheat codes, and other features. Mobile fighters are very simplistic and it's a way to beat back those more sophisticated fighters from a long time ago.