
Traffic rules

Before obtaining the right to drive a vehicle, it is mandatory to pass an exam. The first part of the exam consists of an oral part, where you need to pass a test on knowledge of the Rules of the Road.

Traffic learning apps will help you prepare for your driver's license exam. Answer questions, score as many points as you can and master a wide variety of road chants.

After reading the rules, you can fully master not only the exam program, but also start driving according to the rules.

As a rule, the functionality of an application for studying traffic rules involves:

The application has several levels of difficulty. You can start as an amateur to understand the basics of the rules, and then gradually move up to the level of a professional driver. Lots of road signs from all over the world. Great app for preparing for driving school exams.

The road signs quiz contains road signs from all over the world, all you have to do is choose the correct answer from four options. Improve your knowledge of the rules of the road with the traffic learning app.

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Штрафы ПДД Официальные фото

Ray Traffic fines - traffic police, compulsory motor third party liability insurance - an example of a high-quality application for checking and paying fines online, without having to waste extra time on travel. You don't have to worry about the legality of the services, the developers from Reactive...
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Билеты ПДД 2024 и Экзамен ПДД

Preparing for exams on traffic rules is a serious, responsible process that requires a rational approach and constant training. Moreover, it is necessary to refresh not only theoretical knowledge on textbooks and notes, driving practice, but also to know the very process of passing the exam, which i...
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Экзамен ПДД 2024: билеты ГИБДД

Ray. Traffic Exam 2021 - Traffic Police Tickets is a useful assistant application for those who have decided to learn the rules of the road and are planning to get a driver's license soon. The appendix takes into account all the changes that have occurred in the legislative framework related to this...
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Билеты ПДД 2024+Экзамен ПДД

This application is designed to help you prepare for the theoretical driving license exam. Prepare with the Traffic Tickets 2019/2020 + Exam of the Traffic Safety Inspectorate and pass the exam at the traffic police without making a single mistake when deciding tickets. All categories are available...
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Билеты ПДД 2024 Экзамен ПДД

Tickets + Traffic Rules 2021 Exam is an application that will help you prepare for the exam and pass your license. The program includes all the questions that may be valid. If you solve them every day, you will definitely pass. You can download the application for free on Android and iOS. The entir...
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Driver Test: Crossroads

Traffic simulator: Crossroads is a very useful program for Android, thanks to which you can train in the correct passage of various road junctions. The benefits and capabilities of the simulator The order of passage of a road intersection for many motorists, sometimes even with impressive dri...
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Билеты ПДД и Экзамен ПДД 2024

Traffic Tickets and Traffic Exam 2021 is a virtual driving school and great training app to help a prospective driver prepare for the traffic rules test exam according to the law. This program contains approximately forty to fifty tickets, which are included in the official test check of the traffi...
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Рули Онлайн. Билеты ПДД 2024

Steering Wheels Online. Tickets for traffic rules 2021 is a special free application for driving schools that helps prepare drivers with the help of video lessons, comments from teachers and passing tickets for traffic rules 2021. The application is available for download on Android smartphones in t...
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Офiцiйнi Тести ПДР

Exam Traffic Rules 2020 Ukraine is an application for those who are preparing to take an exam on traffic rules in Ukraine. It will help to consolidate the knowledge of traffic rules, as well as to find and repeat topics on which difficulties have arisen. Official tickets for traffic rules of Ukr...
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Билеты ПДД 2023 РФ CD +Экзамен

SDA tickets CD 2020 + RF Exam 16+ is an application designed for teaching traffic rules and passing the exam in the MREO traffic police. Installed on any device with the Android platform, you can download it absolutely free. The tests in the program are based on the use of official questions for tic...