Before obtaining the right to drive a vehicle, it is mandatory to pass an exam. The first part of the exam consists of an oral part, where you need to pass a test on knowledge of the Rules of the Road.
Traffic learning apps will help you prepare for your driver's license exam. Answer questions, score as many points as you can and master a wide variety of road chants.
After reading the rules, you can fully master not only the exam program, but also start driving according to the rules.
As a rule, the functionality of an application for studying traffic rules involves:
The application has several levels of difficulty. You can start as an amateur to understand the basics of the rules, and then gradually move up to the level of a professional driver. Lots of road signs from all over the world. Great app for preparing for driving school exams.
The road signs quiz contains road signs from all over the world, all you have to do is choose the correct answer from four options. Improve your knowledge of the rules of the road with the traffic learning app.