Logo Jobindex: Søg job og arbejde

Jobindex: Søg job og arbejde





version Android

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Application information

Added: Denis Rubinov

Version: 4.33.0

Size: 20.8 MB

Updated: 23.08.2023

Developer: Jobindex A/S

Authorizations: 9

Downloaded on Google Play: 268269

Category: Business

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Application Jobindex: Søg job og arbejde was checked by VirusTotal antivirus. As a result of the scan, no file infections were detected by all the latest signatures.

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How to install Jobindex: Søg job og arbejde

  1. Download APK file apps from
  2. Locate the downloaded file. You can find it in the system tray or in the 'Download' folder using any file manager.
  3. If the file downloaded in .bin extension (WebView bug on Android 11), rename it to .apk using any file manager or try downloading the file with another browser like Chrome.
  4. Start the installation. Click on the downloaded file to start the installation
  5. Allow installation from unknown sources. If you are installing for the first time Jobindex: Søg job og arbejde not from Google Play, go to your device's security settings and allow installation from unknown sources.
  6. Bypass Google Play protection. If Google Play protection blocks installation of the file, tap 'More Info' → 'Install anyway' → 'OK' to continue..
  7. Complete the installation: Follow the installer's instructions to complete the installation process.

How to update Jobindex: Søg job og arbejde

  1. Download the new version apps from
  2. Locate the downloaded file and click on it to start the installation.
  3. Install over the old version. There is no need to uninstall the previous version.
  4. Avoid signature conflicts. If the previous version was not downloaded from, the message 'Application not installed' may appear. In this case uninstall the old version and install the new one.
  5. Restart annex Jobindex: Søg job og arbejde after the update.

Version History

Jobindex: Søg job og arbejde 4.32.0
24.06.23 20.8 MB Download

Reviews for Jobindex: Søg job og arbejde

11 grades

Once a month or two I have to uninstall and reinstall the app because it freezes my phone. I don't know if it's because of updates to the app or a problem on my phone. This by the way has never happened with other apps on my phone. But it has happened enough times that I have to mention it here. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy a21s.


Like this apps easy to find some work thst you like.

As i don't speak danish. I don't understand anything that is type on the work ads

Good experience...

Very disappointed. Its not working ..

Det er umuligt at frabede sig cookies i appen. Går jeg ind under cookiepolitik og trykker på linket, kommer jeg bare op øverst på siden. Men det er ikke det eneste: jeres nuværende og tidligere privatlivspolitik er ikke datostemplet. Jeg håber, I vil rette fejlene snarest muligt.

Easy to use and not intimidat like some sights

Ikke så godt app

Very bad app in all system.

I skal ikke reklamere på min Android
